How far along: 18 weeks (almost halfway woot!)
Weight gain/loss: nothing...even though I tried.
see. I'm trying.
Maternity clothes: mainly smalls and mediums. I can no longer fit in normal clothes. (well, I can but it is not pretty and after 20 minutes of something digging into my stomach I hurl) Still in love with the maternity leggings... I dream of them. glorious.
Gender: penis baby
Movement: still occasional. Some nights after dinner he thinks it's party time. He also hates when I make sudden movements or laugh too loud...for such a little guy he can really put all 7 oz behind those kicks.
Sleep: I could sleep all day long. I am exhausted and can feel my brain turn off during the middle of the day.
Cravings: still nothing. David stopped his cravings for our vacation last week...but when we got back...
We bought the right two jars yesterday...yesterday afternoon...the one on the left is from before we left. You can't throw the empty jars away until he drinks the liquid *gag*
Aversions: the smell of meat smoking and pepperoncini's :)
What I miss: clothes and energy

AND because she is adorable in everyway...