Sunday, August 26, 2012

Emma Update

Emma turned 10 months old a week and a half ago. To update you guys...

  • can say "uh oh", "up" and "awww"
  • can sign "more", "all done" and "gentle"
  • understands the signs "mom" "dad" "cat" "dog"
  • uses selective hearing when you tell her "no"
  • can stand on her own
  • took a step (!!!!)
  • can crawl up the stairs
  • likes to get into the cupboards. Her favorites are the pantry (food), the cupboard under the sink (cleaning supplies), and the fridge (food).
  • thinks Switzer is the best toy in the world. She chases him/grabs his tail/pulls out his hair all while laughing hysterically (Switzer hates Emma)  
  • makes it up to Switzer by feeding him everything she does not want to eat
  • imitates others laughs.
  • fake coughs so that people think she is choking (then laughs)
  • loves 'patty cake' and 'itsy bitsy spider'
  • is a BIG fan of Sesame Street and the wiggles (ugh)
  • likes to read her books (so cute!)
  • waves bye-bye/ hi
  • has Daddyman wrapped around her little finger
  • is moving out of 18 month clothes and fitting better in 24 month and smaller 2T
  • favorite foods - mac and cheese, ravioli, french fries, cheese burgers, bananas
  • least favorite foods- green veggies and cottage cheese (both are now Switzer's favorite foods)
  • favorite toys- Mr. Cow, fridge farm, talking on her phone, her push toys
At her 9 month appointment she was almost 26lbs and 31 inches tall. The doctor said I don't need to buy anymore formula (!!!) and once what we have is gone to give her whole milk. woot. She also has 7 teeth!! Everyday is something new!


  1. She sure has your genes when it comes to height!! She's beautiful :)
