This past month she...
- Can say "yum" (sounds like 'mmmmmm'...she makes this sound when we are watching tv and there is a food commercial), "good girl" (Switzer is a 'good girl' ((poor guy)) and when you tell Emma no she says she is a 'good girl'), "no", "ouch", "baby"
- Can sign "please", "eat"....which is confused with "bird", "milk", "baby", "cracker"
- Finished with daytime bottles and slowly getting rid of the bottle before bed.
- Favorite food: goldfish, bologna, french fries, scrambled eggs, ketchup
- Least favorite food: . . . . .
- Still not an expert with spoon usage BUT she can use a fork...when she chooses to not use her fingers/ eat like Switzer
- Favorite toys: her phone

and stage 3
and her wagon
- She still enjoys going on daily stroller rides. Especially now that the weather is so nice and cool.
- Still loves Sesame Street, the Wiggles, the Muppets movie, and Narnia (I think she is more into the music than the actual movie), and she loves shows with babies and little kids and singing (sound of music was a hit)
- She still has temper tantrums
they start like that
and end like this
- She still loves 'playing' with Switzer. Switzer still loves pretending Emma does not exist. Poor guy. Emma has started to combine making dinosaur noises and torturing Switzer...
She does this with a basket on her head and chasing after him. But he still gets all the food she drops to him from her highchair and she always goes havsies during snack time.
the best of friends. some days.
- She loves being outside and looking out the windows.
- She loves her baby rocker chair
a lot.
- Still trying to push out tooth #8
- Has only walked 7 consecutive steps...and lately has not been interested in walking at all (probably why my back is sprained)
- She weighs 27lbs
- Has learned to share...some of the time.
- She knows lips, eyes, toes and nose
- Mimics Davids sneeze/blowing his nose. *she thinks she is hilarious* And she loves Daddy.
- She knows shoes go on toes and she loves wearing jackets/sweaters/bathrobe
Gah, I can't believe Emma is already a year old! She is growing up way to fast and making my baby fever crazy. ;)
ReplyDelete& Daniel wants to do baby sign language when we have kids because I keep telling him the stories about Emma and his response is usually "I want our kids to be smart like that!"
I miss y'all!