EmmaLee is now 13 months old. ahhh the toddler stage.

She. . .
- can say "Emma", "choo choo", "whats that?"
- can sign "thank you", "good night", "wait", "stop", "go","flower", "outside"
- knows most parts of the body. Eyes, nose, lips, tongue, hair, fingers, toes. All of these can be confused with 'ears'. Not sure why but once she knows she has ears...everything is an ear.
- Favorite foods: pb&j sandwiches, pb&banana sandwiches, carrots, hot cocoa
- Least favorite foods: hummus and cucumber
- Can now walk. woot. Especially barefooted. Walking with shoes is more of a zombie shuffle than actual walking but she is making progress.
- Is still in a love/hate relationship with Switzer.
- Can play peekaboo 24/7 and never get bored.
- Still loves dinosaurs. Luckily we have a bouncy one at the park by our house. *rawr
- Loves her car
- And loves her wagon
- And loves Tangled
- She is down to one nap a day. (which is heaven for this Momma) She wakes up at 8:30 or 9, then naps 2:00-5:00, then goes to bed at 8 or 8:15. love.
- She now unzips her sleepers in the middle of the night. I go to get her in the morning and she is naked except for the one button at the top. Still hasn't figured that one out yet.
- All 4 one year molars are popping out at once plus tooth #8. yay. So 7 completely out, 3 moving in and 2 holes with the start of teeth coming through. 12 teeth is all.
- Her hair is sooooo close to being long enough to put up in a ponytail. Hopefully only a few more weeks of the mullet look.
- This past month, and the couple months before, Daddy has been busy at work so we have not seen him very much BUT
She loves her Momma.
and her red shoes
(I had to hide them so she would stop crying after I took them off for nap time)
and we get to play with baby Connor :)
Every day is something new.
Gah, she is so adorable and we miss y'all a ton!