Monday, July 29, 2013

the joys

I'm baaaaaaaack! Hello blog form world. You have been missed

and I am pregnant.

How, you might ask, does me being pregnant relate to not blogging? Well, I fail at secrets. Not all of the time and usually not on purpose...its just the information diarrhea of the mouth I tend to get when excited.

We (hubs and I) did have good reasons for not spilling about the little bean...the unknown, the miscarriages (the last of which tried to kill me back in January), and the overall bad juju in telling people before the second trimester...but I forgot those about three days after a the pee dried on the stick. But David was adamant. So here we are, 15 weeks+ into this pregnancy and I am telling the world.

Bring it juju.

awww. Just a little itty-bitty bean at 6 weeks.
   15 weeks

How many weeks: 15 weeks 3 days
Weight gain/loss: -1lb. But I am on the rebound! I was down 7lbs but didn't quite reach the -10lbs that I was when pregnant with EmmaLee. woot.
Maternity Clothes: I am tryyyyyyying to squeeze into non-maternity clothes but my size 8 booty/hips are no longer existent. So long until sometime in 2014 pants! Hello skirts, and yoga pants, and this glorious pair of maternity leggings my sister sent. o-m-g.
Gender: I hope it has a penis but boys are not formed for the female side of my sibling population. I may or may not punch the first brother of mine who mentions this fact when we visit Oklahoma next week. Greg, James: you have been warned.
Sleep: by 6pm I feel like death. I usually pass out by 9pm. But...I have been waking up in the middle of the night almost every night and have to fight to go back to sleep. This didn't happen while pregnant with Emma....hope that doesn't mean this kid will be up at 3am most nights.
Movement: little flutters now and then. Although two days ago I yawned and got smacked pretty hard by something from the inside.
Cravings: nothing really yet. Some weeks I like some things, then for others it sounds awful. David, on the other hand, has been eating banana peppers and pickles like the world is ending. I wish I would of counted how many jars he went through these past three months. When I brought this to his attention he stopped buying so many...he is just pregnant too :)
What I Miss: clothes that fit and energy.

These past three month have been filled with morning sickness and moodiness. I find that this pregnancy I am one of the grouchiest people in the world. So if you see my husband, smile at him, and tell him he is doing a fantastic job. The poor man. I hope my sour mood isn't a warning about what is to come...a grouchy baby who doesn't sleep. dun dun duuuun.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you give us weekly updates and let me live vicariously through you ;)
