Saturday, September 28, 2013

Oh baby...from last week

24 weeks

How far along: 24+ weeks
Weight gain/loss: +5 lbs. woot. On Monday at my doc appointment I had only gained 3...but today after a week of nightly ice cream gloriousness and fresh baked bread coming out of the oven...5lbs. My wedding ring no longer fits. Not because I have fat fingers but because the baby has sucked the fat out of my fingers and my ring keeps flying off.
Movement: All the time. Still hating his area being invaded. I think this baby will be born on time since I doubt he will be enjoying himself when he runs out of room in a few weeks. I can't even rest my own arm over my stomach without him having a hissy fit. Sometimes it feels like he is ripping his placenta off the front of my belly...ouch.
Sleep: I could sleep all day long. Poor EmmaLee...she looks out the windows after her nap, waiting for Daddy to get home so someone will chase her. To bad his schedule hasn't been letting him get home until late.
Cravings: Peanut butter. Pretzels. Multigrain Cheerios. Pizza. Bread. Really, just food. Still not a fan of really sweet things...but my favorite season with all the things you can make with pumpkin is here. mmmmm Pumpkin.
Symptoms: Pain. Back pain. Leg pain. Heart pain. Boob pain. Headaches. I blame football season and living on the East coast. When the game doesn't even start until doesn't end until way past my bedtime.

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