28 weeks!
How many weeks: 28+ weeks
Weight gain/loss: +12 lbs. The doc said I was on my way to gain all of 20 lbs this pregnancy. I told her to just wait...my inner fat kid has come out. I will surprise her in two weeks.
Movement: Still hates anyone pushing on him. Still wakes up in the middle of the night to move around just enough to wake me up them snuggle back to sleep. Thanks buddy.
Sleep: the pregnancy insomnia has arrived. Most of the problem is my heart palpitations. When they cluster for long periods of time I cannot sleep because I feel like I am dying...or at least feeling like I am going to pass out/cannot catch my breath.
Cravings: Cereal. Chocolate Milk. Prunes. Pizza. Chocolate milk. Pumpkin things. Applesauce. Lots of chocolate milk. and green beans. yum.
Symptoms: BH contractions. Heart palpitations. Dizziness. Exhaustion. Leg cramps. Ligament pain. Stretch pain.
My Appointment: Danny was measuring big with a very strong heartbeat. I got my flu shot and passed my gestational diabetes test. woot. I get my Rhogam shot in my butt on Tuesday. boo. I also need to get my epidural consult soon just in case I have to deliver here in North Carolina. two and a half weeks until my heart appointment :) 11 and little more weeks, give or take, until Danny gets here. Time is going fast.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Emma Update
EmmaLee...is 2 years old.
Excuse me while I go bawl my pregnant eyes out.
Okay...deep breath
- She is still very tall and weighs over 30 lbs. Tomorrow at the doctor we find out exactly how much, but the last time we weighed her at the house she was 32lbs
-When her hair is wet it straightens down past the halfway point on her back almost down to her booty. She bites her nails until there is almost nothing left...then she bites her toe nails. And she still does not like being dirty.
-Favorite food: cheese (mac n cheese, grilled cheese, cheese sticks, sliced cheese, cheese burgers...etc.)
-Least favorite food: lettuce (she is not a rabbit. Every time I leave lettuce on a burger or a taco...she looks at me like I am trying to poison her)
-What she is up to:
talking in English. This has been a process maybe because she has known quite a bit of sign language since she was a baby and now is kind of bilingual. Getting her to speak in front of other people using real words and not signing or whining is a challenge.
She is a momma leg holder. When she is in a goofball mood she can be quite a ham....making eye contact with strangers and giving them the "I know I'm adorable" eyes...but her normal out in public demeanor when people say hi or talk to her is 'hold on to momma for dear life' or not look at anyone. Which...I remember being a momma leg holder until...wait...I still don't make eye contact with strangers. Sorry Em, that shyness is from your momma...we all know it is not from your daddy.
-Favorite things:
- tricycle. The holy grail of Emma toys. If I let her she would stay outside and ride that thing all day long.
- Kitchen/ tea set: 2nd loves. Every dolly needs a cup of tea and some hot coffee.
- Cinderella. Minnie mouse. Wreck it Ralph. Tangled (she could probably act out every scene). Little Mermaid. Little Einsteins.
- Her favorite toys are the boxes her toys come in.
- Listening to the radio and having dance parties.
- Band music (she conducts when she hears band music and always gives standing ovations at the end...band nerd in the making)
- She loves hair. Brushing her hair. Washing her hair. Sitting in mommas bathroom getting to blow dry her hair. Hair bows in her hair. But...then she rolls around on the floor and her hair turns back into a fluff ball, wavy, beautiful mess.
- Chalk. Coloring. Painting. Art.
- Dolls. and all that comes with her "babies"
She loves her Momma
She loves her Daddy
She loves Minnie
She loves her hair
She is beautiful
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Oh baby...from last week
24 weeks
How far along: 24+ weeks
Weight gain/loss: +5 lbs. woot. On Monday at my doc appointment I had only gained 3...but today after a week of nightly ice cream gloriousness and fresh baked bread coming out of the oven...5lbs. My wedding ring no longer fits. Not because I have fat fingers but because the baby has sucked the fat out of my fingers and my ring keeps flying off.
Movement: All the time. Still hating his area being invaded. I think this baby will be born on time since I doubt he will be enjoying himself when he runs out of room in a few weeks. I can't even rest my own arm over my stomach without him having a hissy fit. Sometimes it feels like he is ripping his placenta off the front of my belly...ouch.
Sleep: I could sleep all day long. Poor EmmaLee...she looks out the windows after her nap, waiting for Daddy to get home so someone will chase her. To bad his schedule hasn't been letting him get home until late.
Cravings: Peanut butter. Pretzels. Multigrain Cheerios. Pizza. Bread. Really, just food. Still not a fan of really sweet things...but my favorite season with all the things you can make with pumpkin is here. mmmmm Pumpkin.
Symptoms: Pain. Back pain. Leg pain. Heart pain. Boob pain. Headaches. I blame football season and living on the East coast. When the game doesn't even start until 9:30...it doesn't end until way past my bedtime.
How far along: 24+ weeks
Weight gain/loss: +5 lbs. woot. On Monday at my doc appointment I had only gained 3...but today after a week of nightly ice cream gloriousness and fresh baked bread coming out of the oven...5lbs. My wedding ring no longer fits. Not because I have fat fingers but because the baby has sucked the fat out of my fingers and my ring keeps flying off.
Movement: All the time. Still hating his area being invaded. I think this baby will be born on time since I doubt he will be enjoying himself when he runs out of room in a few weeks. I can't even rest my own arm over my stomach without him having a hissy fit. Sometimes it feels like he is ripping his placenta off the front of my belly...ouch.
Sleep: I could sleep all day long. Poor EmmaLee...she looks out the windows after her nap, waiting for Daddy to get home so someone will chase her. To bad his schedule hasn't been letting him get home until late.
Cravings: Peanut butter. Pretzels. Multigrain Cheerios. Pizza. Bread. Really, just food. Still not a fan of really sweet things...but my favorite season with all the things you can make with pumpkin is here. mmmmm Pumpkin.
Symptoms: Pain. Back pain. Leg pain. Heart pain. Boob pain. Headaches. I blame football season and living on the East coast. When the game doesn't even start until 9:30...it doesn't end until way past my bedtime.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I am not usually one to voice an opinion on important issues.
And in the debate of pro-life vs pro-choice I am usually closer to the pro-choice side for the fact that I do not believe I have the right to say what another woman does with her body. Not that I personally approve of abortion, but who am I to judge.
That came into a different light this morning. I was laying in bed giving my unborn child some belly rubs, while he was fighting a doozy case of the hiccups, when I remembered that in the state of North Carolina I have until the end of tomorrow to legally terminate this baby.
Not that I would, but just knowing that it is an option...makes me sick. My son has boy parts, and a personality, and hiccups for cryin' out loud!
Granted, in order for you to terminate your baby at the hospital this late something has to be wrong with the baby or with you. Even then, I would have to be a stronger woman to willingly get rid the obvious life inside me.
keep growing my little man.
And in the debate of pro-life vs pro-choice I am usually closer to the pro-choice side for the fact that I do not believe I have the right to say what another woman does with her body. Not that I personally approve of abortion, but who am I to judge.
That came into a different light this morning. I was laying in bed giving my unborn child some belly rubs, while he was fighting a doozy case of the hiccups, when I remembered that in the state of North Carolina I have until the end of tomorrow to legally terminate this baby.
Not that I would, but just knowing that it is an option...makes me sick. My son has boy parts, and a personality, and hiccups for cryin' out loud!
Granted, in order for you to terminate your baby at the hospital this late something has to be wrong with the baby or with you. Even then, I would have to be a stronger woman to willingly get rid the obvious life inside me.
keep growing my little man.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Oh Baby...
22 weeks
How far along: 22+ weeks
Weight gain/loss: 0. I was at +3 but then I got a virus...and then morning sickness came back. yay. Not worried though...I am healthy and baby is definitely growing big
How far along: 22+ weeks
Weight gain/loss: 0. I was at +3 but then I got a virus...and then morning sickness came back. yay. Not worried though...I am healthy and baby is definitely growing big
see big belly. This was when he was having a party in my belly and pushing everything out.
Maternity clothes: Always. Even though I tried on a pair of size 12 jeans that I wore after Emma was born and they still fell off of me. Still loving the maternity leggings. Glorious.
Movement: All the time. He is going to be a brat...I can tell. If his space gets pushed on by anything (pants, Emma snuggling, David giving me a hug...) he pushes back. He also enjoys waking up at 3am to get himself comfortable...then snuggles back down to sleep...and I am awake for the next two hours. ugh.
Sleep: I am exhausted. Between the 3am Danny wake up calls and my heart making me dizzy by the end of the day I am ready for bed.
Cravings: Mayonnaise. I could eat it with a spoon but since David thinks that is disgusting I usually make turkey and mayonnaise sandwiches aka...dipping turkey in mayonnaise. Also peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. and raisins. and chocolate covered pretzels. But mainly mayonnaise.
Aversions: smoking meat. Bleh, so gross :)
What I miss: sleep, and energy
*David was my photographer :)
Monday, August 19, 2013
oh baby
18 weeks
How far along: 18 weeks (almost halfway woot!)
Weight gain/loss: nothing...even though I tried.
see. I'm trying.
Maternity clothes: mainly smalls and mediums. I can no longer fit in normal clothes. (well, I can but it is not pretty and after 20 minutes of something digging into my stomach I hurl) Still in love with the maternity leggings... I dream of them. glorious.
Gender: penis baby
Movement: still occasional. Some nights after dinner he thinks it's party time. He also hates when I make sudden movements or laugh too loud...for such a little guy he can really put all 7 oz behind those kicks.
Sleep: I could sleep all day long. I am exhausted and can feel my brain turn off during the middle of the day.
Cravings: still nothing. David stopped his cravings for our vacation last week...but when we got back...
We bought the right two jars yesterday...yesterday afternoon...the one on the left is from before we left. You can't throw the empty jars away until he drinks the liquid *gag*
Aversions: the smell of meat smoking and pepperoncini's :)
What I miss: clothes and energy

AND because she is adorable in everyway...
How far along: 18 weeks (almost halfway woot!)
Weight gain/loss: nothing...even though I tried.
see. I'm trying.
Maternity clothes: mainly smalls and mediums. I can no longer fit in normal clothes. (well, I can but it is not pretty and after 20 minutes of something digging into my stomach I hurl) Still in love with the maternity leggings... I dream of them. glorious.
Gender: penis baby
Movement: still occasional. Some nights after dinner he thinks it's party time. He also hates when I make sudden movements or laugh too loud...for such a little guy he can really put all 7 oz behind those kicks.
Sleep: I could sleep all day long. I am exhausted and can feel my brain turn off during the middle of the day.
Cravings: still nothing. David stopped his cravings for our vacation last week...but when we got back...
We bought the right two jars yesterday...yesterday afternoon...the one on the left is from before we left. You can't throw the empty jars away until he drinks the liquid *gag*
Aversions: the smell of meat smoking and pepperoncini's :)
What I miss: clothes and energy

AND because she is adorable in everyway...
Monday, July 29, 2013
the joys
I'm baaaaaaaack! Hello blog form world. You have been missed
How, you might ask, does me being pregnant relate to not blogging? Well, I fail at secrets. Not all of the time and usually not on purpose...its just the information diarrhea of the mouth I tend to get when excited.
We (hubs and I) did have good reasons for not spilling about the little bean...the unknown, the miscarriages (the last of which tried to kill me back in January), and the overall bad juju in telling people before the second trimester...but I forgot those about three days after a the pee dried on the stick. But David was adamant. So here we are, 15 weeks+ into this pregnancy and I am telling the world.
Bring it juju.
How many weeks: 15 weeks 3 days
Weight gain/loss: -1lb. But I am on the rebound! I was down 7lbs but didn't quite reach the -10lbs that I was when pregnant with EmmaLee. woot.
Maternity Clothes: I am tryyyyyyying to squeeze into non-maternity clothes but my size 8 booty/hips are no longer existent. So long until sometime in 2014 pants! Hello skirts, and yoga pants, and this glorious pair of maternity leggings my sister sent. o-m-g.
Gender: I hope it has a penis but boys are not formed for the female side of my sibling population. I may or may not punch the first brother of mine who mentions this fact when we visit Oklahoma next week. Greg, James: you have been warned.
Sleep: by 6pm I feel like death. I usually pass out by 9pm. But...I have been waking up in the middle of the night almost every night and have to fight to go back to sleep. This didn't happen while pregnant with Emma....hope that doesn't mean this kid will be up at 3am most nights.
Movement: little flutters now and then. Although two days ago I yawned and got smacked pretty hard by something from the inside.
Cravings: nothing really yet. Some weeks I like some things, then for others it sounds awful. David, on the other hand, has been eating banana peppers and pickles like the world is ending. I wish I would of counted how many jars he went through these past three months. When I brought this to his attention he stopped buying so many...he is just pregnant too :)
What I Miss: clothes that fit and energy.
These past three month have been filled with morning sickness and moodiness. I find that this pregnancy I am one of the grouchiest people in the world. So if you see my husband, smile at him, and tell him he is doing a fantastic job. The poor man. I hope my sour mood isn't a warning about what is to come...a grouchy baby who doesn't sleep. dun dun duuuun.
and I am pregnant.
How, you might ask, does me being pregnant relate to not blogging? Well, I fail at secrets. Not all of the time and usually not on purpose...its just the information diarrhea of the mouth I tend to get when excited.
We (hubs and I) did have good reasons for not spilling about the little bean...the unknown, the miscarriages (the last of which tried to kill me back in January), and the overall bad juju in telling people before the second trimester...but I forgot those about three days after a the pee dried on the stick. But David was adamant. So here we are, 15 weeks+ into this pregnancy and I am telling the world.
Bring it juju.
awww. Just a little itty-bitty bean at 6 weeks.
15 weeksHow many weeks: 15 weeks 3 days
Weight gain/loss: -1lb. But I am on the rebound! I was down 7lbs but didn't quite reach the -10lbs that I was when pregnant with EmmaLee. woot.
Maternity Clothes: I am tryyyyyyying to squeeze into non-maternity clothes but my size 8 booty/hips are no longer existent. So long until sometime in 2014 pants! Hello skirts, and yoga pants, and this glorious pair of maternity leggings my sister sent. o-m-g.
Gender: I hope it has a penis but boys are not formed for the female side of my sibling population. I may or may not punch the first brother of mine who mentions this fact when we visit Oklahoma next week. Greg, James: you have been warned.
Sleep: by 6pm I feel like death. I usually pass out by 9pm. But...I have been waking up in the middle of the night almost every night and have to fight to go back to sleep. This didn't happen while pregnant with Emma....hope that doesn't mean this kid will be up at 3am most nights.
Movement: little flutters now and then. Although two days ago I yawned and got smacked pretty hard by something from the inside.
Cravings: nothing really yet. Some weeks I like some things, then for others it sounds awful. David, on the other hand, has been eating banana peppers and pickles like the world is ending. I wish I would of counted how many jars he went through these past three months. When I brought this to his attention he stopped buying so many...he is just pregnant too :)
What I Miss: clothes that fit and energy.
These past three month have been filled with morning sickness and moodiness. I find that this pregnancy I am one of the grouchiest people in the world. So if you see my husband, smile at him, and tell him he is doing a fantastic job. The poor man. I hope my sour mood isn't a warning about what is to come...a grouchy baby who doesn't sleep. dun dun duuuun.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
My day today has been filled with it.
If you have just eaten...do not read.
When Emma woke up this morning she pooped. Didn't hear a word over the baby monitor. No cries, No whimpers, No "Momma poopoos".
What does my daughter do with this poop? she scoops it out of her diaper and throws it out of the crib because my daughter doesn't like to be dirty. Correction my daughter HATES being dirty. So she gets rid of her poop by tossing it around the room leaving her diaper empty and her bum surprisingly pretty clean.
This is the point were I mention my daughter hasn't pooped in four, yes FOUR, days.
So when my daughter calls me to get her I walk in her room to find four days worth of globbed up poop scattered around her floor. in the book case. in her closet. in her pillow.
my daughter tells me she needs to wash her hands
and then rubs them through her hair.
the joys.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Emma Update
EmmaLee is 19 months old!
* She is becoming more and more understandable. A little less baby garble and a little more English.
* She can make small sentences. Although they are English/sign language mixtures of confusion.
* She eats like a small caveman.
* and play with her dolls
* and play outside
* and paint and draw
* and being naked
* and stand by the dishwasher while it's running and sing giggling because the vibrations coming off the dish washer make her sound funny.
you know...normal kid stuff ;)
* She is becoming more and more understandable. A little less baby garble and a little more English.
* She can make small sentences. Although they are English/sign language mixtures of confusion.
* She eats like a small caveman.
she licks the mashed potatoes into a pile
then sucks the pile off the plate

she just pours everything into her mouth
*I promise she does know how to use a spoon
most of the time
she loves food
* She has been watching other movies besides Tangled (thank goodness)
Dancing to Mary Poppins
and VeggieTales
and Wreck it Ralph
*She loves to read books
* and play with her dolls
* and play outside
* and paint and draw
* and being naked
* and being silly with her Momma
* and stand by the dishwasher while it's running and sing giggling because the vibrations coming off the dish washer make her sound funny.
you know...normal kid stuff ;)
Everyday is something new.
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