Sunday, September 23, 2012


Pinterest and I are in a love/hate relationship. It's full of things I'd love to do...but I don't have time to do them because I am usually waisting my free time looking at new stuff on Pinterest.
This morning I found myself downstairs in the kitchen...without EmmaLee and David (this is an odd occurrence because both Em and David tend to gravitate towards the kitchen when they sense someone is going to cook family loves food)
But THIS morning it was just me...and my mission was to cook breakfast
Pinterest idea.
Hocus Pocus Buns.
Crescent rolls, coated in butter, sprinkled (I doused) with cinnamon, and rolled up with a marshmallow on the inside...
They are called hocus pocus buns because the marshmallows on the inside vanish when you bake them...I used jumbo mine didn't vanish all the way but here is a pic of one that did.
 Don't worry, I also made eggs with jalapenos and cheddar. So breakfast wasn't completely unhealthy. Although, with all the pictures of the new Taco Bueno being built on 116th street that my mom sends to me...I feel obesity is in my near future anyways.

So, as of this morning, I have completed one pinterest idea. Only a hundred or so more to go.

*sending love to everyone at home

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Emma Update

Today Emma is 11 months old. one more month.....and I will be the Momma of a one year old....yikes.

Things that are new

  • can say "Switzer" (sounds like 'titer' or yityer') and "daddy"
  • signs 'beautiful' and 'dog'
*This morning we went to a parade and there were horses...when she saw them she did the sign for dog. They were the biggest puppies I had ever seen. Luckily, thanks to baby signing time I know the sign for horse (Go Momma!)
  • recognizes the signs for horse (as of this morning), milk, eat and fish (she thinks fish are orange crackers)
  • getting rid of daytime bottles (yay)
  • finishing up formula and only drinking milk
  • Favorite food: chicken nuggets with ranch
*okay okay...
  • Favorite food: just ranch...and tuna fish sandwiches
  • She is done with baby food from a jar and despises spoons (unless she is using it to fling food to Switzer or to bang on the floor/pans) Only big kid table food for this kid.
*ordered a kids meal today for the first time..well first time for my own kid...and I was disappointed. Chick-fil-a...your 'toys' suck. My toddler cannot play a computer game. But I did love the fact you can get kids chicken nuggets grilled.
  • Still loves Sesame Street and the Wiggles (uggghhhh)
  • She has learned most of the motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider but at the end she lifts up her shirt because she thinks I am suppose to tickle her. She also likes ring around the rosey. Or she just likes Momma acting like a crazy person during ring around the rosey.
  • Favorite toy: stage three

* she...eats it...

  • still bites when having a temper tantrum (sadly)
  • had to baby lock the cabinets this month so she would stop getting the cleaning supplies out from under the sink
  • still trying to push tooth #8 out.
  • still hates sitting on grass (yes, I am serious)
  • enjoys going to the park to swing
  • loves stroller rides
*I mean...REALLY REALLY loves stroller rides...

  • She weighs a good 27 lbs this month and after this weeks growth spurt (sigh) I am pretty sure she is almost, if not more than, 32 inches (all in those long legs) Also, all her activity during the day (crawling, cruising, torturing Switzer...I mean 'playing' with Switzer) has made her less of a chunk and looking more like a big kid every day.
  • still sleeping like a champ. Although she wants to start only taking one nap. (Momma refuses) She still is a tummy/side sleeper and has started to not want to be rocked by Momma before nap times...of course at bedtime she lets Daddy rock her (I am NOT jealous) to sleep. (Okay...I am a little jealous)
  • still a huge fan of books. She reads them to herself...carefully turning each page. Its kind of creepy to watch but they entertain her long enough so I can vacuum, shower, make lunch, check FB...
  • she loves dancing (bobbing up and down or side to side), singing in the car (huge Nicki Minaj fan...oh dear) and hates talk radio (I really don't know if she hates talk radio...but I do. and I really wish David would not make us listen to it every time we are in the car (sigh))
we love our Daddyman
and hanging out with baby Connor
and being a stinker
and Pumpkin Spice lattes
...fine, fine that's the Momma...
AND she is going to be a ladybug for Halloween.
I am sure I have forgotten things to put on here. These past few months have flown by and everyday is something new.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Never Forget

This morning was the dedication of the 9/11 memorial here in Havelock.

 I went to see David perform and although it was a long event (might of just felt like it for me because of my crabby kid) I am very glad I went. In the middle of the memorial is a piece of steal from one of the World Trade Centers. This memorial has been built in Havelock because of our military community. Many of the people who work or have worked in this town and on MCAS Cherry Point have been to Iraq or Afghanistan following the attacks on 9/11. This beam is in remembrance of the men and women who lost their lives. Not just the lives lost on that day but also the lives lost overseas where people are sacrificing their time and safety in hopes of making America a better and safer place.

...and there were bag pipes...
and police officers
and Uncle Rich


 and Daddyman.